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미용 & 욕실용품
Cotton Menstrual Pads
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Cotton Menstrual Pads

Problem of disposable menstrual pads.

  1. Inflammation & Bad smell.
  2. Dioxin.
  3. Toxic Shock Syndrome: TSS.
  4. No one knows what are in the pads.
  5. Monopoly & oligopoly by a few big makers: Not reflecting women's various needs.

Benefits of Cotton Menstrual Pads

  1. Highly hygienic.
  2. Natural cotton menstrual without chemicals (Dyeing, bleaching etc).
  3. Reusuable and eco-friendly.
  4. No itching, skin trouble, eczema, festered and unpleasant feeling.
  5. Great for atopic and sensitive skins.
  6. No bad smell.
  7. No TSS.
  8. Relief of extravasated blood & period pain.

High Potential of this business

  1. Great alternative product of disposable menstrual pads.
  2. 20% of women in the world are being on the moon cycle EVEN AT THIS MOMENT.
  3. Menstrual pads are the necessities of life for women.

Features of Best Green Cotton Menstrual Pads

  1. 100% natural cotton.
  2. High quality natural cotton.
  3. High absorption with several layers of natural cotton (7 to 13layers).
  4. Good feel on wear.
  5. Washable and reusuable.
  6. No leakage during sleeping.
  7. 1 layer of porous waterproof made with polyethylene.
  8. Various sizes: 4sizes.
  9. Easy to wash.
  10. Still soft after laundry.

Products Line-up

Panty Liner type
12g, 17x13cm
Small type
22g, 17x20cm
Large type (When menstruation amount much)
32g, 17x26cm
42g, 15x34cm

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[ 연락처 정보 ]
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(우:153-778) 한국
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